BLOOM: A state or time of beauty, freshness, and vigor
A state or time of high development or achievement
To produce of yield flowers
To mature into achievement of one’s potential
To flourish in youthful beauty, freshness, to excellence

Why BLOOM? Well, let me tell you… since I can remember I liked everything related to fashion. I worked in clothing stores and enjoyed taking care of the girls who came in looking for their “perfect outfit”. I am not a stylist nor had any experience with fashion; however, there must have been something I was doing right if the clients would constantly ask for my advice on their outfits and more often than not, they would buy and wear them. Most importantly, something I discovered many years and outfits later, IT MADE ME HAPPY.

To those that know me, being the center of attention and putting my self out there, wasn’t something I was too excited about. In fact, it made me feel so out of my comfort zone, that it led me to create this little and annoying presence that led many decisions of my life for so many years. This presence was called FEAR… when we take decisions, being afraid of failing and not achieving the expected results we let fear take the front seat and control everything that happens.

2 years ago, I made the most scary and crazy decision I have ever made. No, definitely having children wasn’t it, they did; however, became one of the major inspirations and motivations for this. BLOOM became. I decided, it was time to kick FEAR to the curb and do what I know in my heart was meant to be.

With BLOOM my main objective is to provide you all beautiful people with a time where beauty and achievement is the one in the front seat. A time where you realize that fear; whether for that “color of skirt I have never worn”, or stepping out of the comfort zone with that “top crop that never in a million years I would wear” has no place in you. You have so much more potential than you think and so much more to grow and accomplish. Cause it is your time TO BLOOM.

To all of you who are thinking of going for it…
Be patient, be consistent and put your heart into that dream. TOGETHER we are stronger!